Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What Is Numerology?

I never could understand why Numerology simply doesn't get the attention that the occult sciences of Astrology and the Tarot get. You can't open up a daily newspaper without seeing your horoscope, but try to find anything related to Numerology and you might as well wait for world peace. Well, it's no surprise then that a lot of people really don't know what Numerology really is and what it's used for. This article will hopefully give you a decent idea of what's involved so you can make an informed decision on whether or not this is a field of study you want to pursue.

Numerology, believe it or not, has actually been around for over 10,000 years. Practitioners of this art use it, not so much to predict events, but to reveal hidden truths of your inner self. It's kind of like a numerical evaluation of a person. Many of these numbers are pretty much set at the time of your birth, but there are some that change over time, especially if you are a woman who gets married and changes her name.

The basic concept of numerology is very simple. Each letter of the alphabet is assigned a number. These letters, making up your name, where you live, where you went to school, and just about everything involved in your life, get added together and from this number, we learn things about each person. The actual numbers themselves have meanings, so we learn things about people just from the date when they were born.

Not only does each number in numerology have a meaning, but there are certain numbers which are very special, such as 11 and 22. These numbers have deeper meanings when analyzing a person's personality. That's why you will find many powerful and influential people who are born on the 11th or 22nd or have numbers adding up to 11 or 22.

Naturally, this is a very simplified explanation as the actual science of Numerology gets very complex. You can study this science for many years and never truly understand it completely.

On a personal note, I have been into Numerology for over 20 years now. I have done Numerology charts for every member of my family including myself. The almost scary thing is that after doing the analysis for each person, the numbers very much matched up to what I already knew about these people just from living with them. Imagine being able to do that BEFORE you get to know somebody. Numerology can be very helpful in determining if two people are compatible with each other. My wife and I, a perfect match according to the numbers. We've been married for 22 years as of this writing, so maybe there is something to it.

If you want to learn more about this fascinating science, my signature will direct you to a free resource that I have put together where you can learn about Numerology as well as many other occult sciences.

To YOUR Divination Success,

Steven Wagenheim

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, great unbiased article. If your readers are after some more in depth information how to do some of the calculations, and some interepretations I would welcome them over to the Free Numerology Study Guide at